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Misconception (Finnegan Brothers Book 1)


  The Finnegan Brothers Book 1

  By Morgan Black


  Published By Metamorphosis Books

  Copyright © 2014 Metamorphosis Books

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places or events are entirely the work of the author. Any resemblance to actual persons, events, or places is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. Please purchase only authorized editions and do not participate in piracy of copyrighted materials.

  Cover art by Cover Up Designs


  December, 2011

  His lips brushed against my collarbone and I inhaled the sweet smell of his shampoo. Blake always smelled amazing, and he always felt like home. His mouth continued to move down over my skin, his lips barely touching the flesh of my breasts. I knew I wasn't supposed to be here—I was supposed to be at home. I promised my mother that the minute I got back in town from school I would go straight to their house, but I didn't. I was a rebel; Blake made me that way. I dragged my fingers back and forth along the satiny sheets and reveled in his touch. His lips trailed down my skin and he left sweet kisses along my stomach. As he reached my underwear he slowly tugged them down, watching me hungrily with his dark blue eyes. He was waiting for a reaction, but I wouldn't give him one yet. I lay naked against the white sheets, my tanned body positioned so that that he knew he could have all of me. I was exposed.

  “You should come back from school more often.” He murmured into the flesh of my upper thigh.

  “Well if you treated me like this every time I came home…” I countered sarcastically.

  He smiled as he moved back up over my body, placing a hand on either side of me; like he owned me. There was no escape from Blake Finnegan.

  I dragged my fingers along the front of his naked chest, stopping just above his boxers, the only thing stopping us from what I knew would be mind blowing sex. Sex with Blake was like taking my body to a whole new level. It was something I had never experienced before. We hadn’t been dating very long, getting together right before I left for college, but there was something so enticing about him that I had ignored the college boys in order to come home and feel his lips against mine.

  I watched him as he regarded my breasts; he took one hand and drew small circles around my nipples, waiting for me to arch my back towards him like he knew I would. He didn't have to wait long. I pulled myself up to him and wrapped my arms around his naked back, feeling the strong muscles rippling beneath his skin. I pushed my hand down his back and yanked off his boxers to reveal his erection.

  Before I got them down very far, he was in me. As he entered deeper I let go of his body I grabbed a fistful of sheet in either hand. He pumped in and out, filling me completely. He pushed his hips into mine as we moved back and forth while he stayed between my spread knees. My body began to tingle and I knew I was close to the edge. I could feel my toes curling in anticipation of my impending orgasm. I attempted to keep my eyes open to watch his fierceness as we made love. That was one way to describe Blake: fierce.

  His hips began to pump harder as he pushed himself farther into me, focusing his thrusts directly on my G-spot. The tingling of my body increased and I knew that I was getting close to my climax. I pushed my hips hard up to him as a moan escaped my lips.

  “Not yet,” he smiled. “I have more for you.” He raised an eyebrow at me.

  Pulling my hips to his he lifted up his torso and sat back on his knees while pulling my ass off the bed. He shoved into me harder and with his now free hands began to slowly tug on my erect nipples. He then picked up his right hand licked his fingers and proceeded to rub my clit as his thrusts started to become harder. His fingers began to move in a fast circular motion and I knew I was a goner. As my first explosion hit I tossed my head back in ecstasy, but he continued to push me further. I was always right on the edge with Blake, between pain and pleasure. It was where he liked to keep me, and it was where I craved to be kept.

  I turned my hands and pushed myself up on them so that our lips barely brushed against each other. I turned my head and suckled on his neck, allowing my teeth to hardly touch him. Reaching up further, I nibbled on his ear lobe. I heard his breath quicken in my ear and he continued to thrust up into me. I used my legs to bounce on his hard cock. He called out as I made my pace more rapid.

  “Fuck!” I felt his warm cum fill my wet pussy. I wrapped my arms around him and he held both of us up with his strong arms. Slowly he lowered us so that my back was once again against the pillows. We were both breathing heavily, trying to regain oxygen in our unstable bodies.

  Blake whispered in my ear, “I love fucking you.”

  “I love hearing you say that.”

  I protested as he pulled himself off of me, instead cradling my body within his so that we were intertwined.

  “All that I want to do is stay here, but I promised my parents I’d go straight home. Mind if I take a quick shower?”

  He took his fingers and trailed them down my body, starting at my shoulder going all the way down my curves to my upper thigh. “Only if you let me join you.”

  I turned over at him, smiling. “That would really kind of defeat the purpose Blake. I need to stop smelling like sex before go to my parents’ house.”

  He smiled at me and kissed me on the mouth, our tongues intertwining just like our bodies had. “You know where the bathroom is.”

  I quickly kissed him on the forehead and grabbed my clothes. As always, I wished it was just connected to his room; no one else used it anyway. I looked both ways but I didn't see anyone, so I dashed down the hall past the pictures of his judgment filled family members. I always hated being naked outside of Blake's room—something about being in someone's parents’ house set me off. I burst through the bathroom door and closed it behind me, taking a deep breath in relief that my escape had not met any obstacles. When I opened my eyes, however, I saw something I had never expected. Standing completely naked in front of the mirror was Blake's older brother, Slade.

  He was thicker than Blake, with bigger arms and a broader chest. He was also a postgrad, whereas Blake and I were only freshman in college. He looked at me wide-eyed underneath chocolaty brown bangs while his toothbrush dropped out of his hand and fell into the sink.

  “Slade! What the hell are you doing in here?”

  He didn't even bother to cover himself as he tried to recover his confidence and smugly leaned against the counter. “I could ask you the same question, Lena.”

  “Fuck my life.”

  “Nice rack.”

  I used the clothes in my hand to cover myself. “You’re a damn pig, do you know that?”

  “Hey you’re the one who's naked in my bathroom. I live here, don't forget that.”

  But that was the thing; Slade didn't live in his family's home anymore. He had his own apartment right at the beach. We had spent so many nights there having bonfires, drinking, and partying. It was where I had lost my virginity only six months prior.

  “But you don't live here.”

  He frowned at me. “Oh, didn’t my little brother tell you? They found mold in my apartment, so I’m staying here until it's fixed. I guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other throughout the holidays.” He looked me up and down, assessing my curves. Slade made me
feel exposed, but not in a way that I liked. Although I couldn't deny the heat spreading from my pussy, I didn't know if it was my recent encounter with Blake or his big brother standing in front of me. I tried not to look down at his cock but couldn't help myself. Especially when it started to twitch with excitement. He was bigger than Blake for sure, and everything about him was more robust.

  I stood there in silence, unsure what to do with myself. If I moved, Slade would get to see all of me; if I didn't, I felt like we could stand here staring at each other forever.

  “Well I'm guessing you came in here for something?”

  I nodded slowly. “I just needed to take a quick shower.”

  He extended his hand to the see-through glass shower. “Take your time, sweetheart. I'll be out in just a minute.” He turned back towards the mirror and continued brushing his teeth.

  I raised an eyebrow at him, “Two can play this game.” I dropped my clothes and walked over to the shower, turned it on, and hopped inside. I knew the steam would quickly fill up the glass and he wouldn’t be able to see through anyway. But as he finished brushing his teeth I noticed he couldn't hide his excitement or the fact that he kept looking in the mirror in order to catch a glimpse of my naked body. As he spat out his toothpaste the steam finally began to cover me. Then right before he left, he turned around and played his final hand.

  “You better wash your hair.”

  “Why?” I asked, confused by his sudden interest in my hygiene.

  “Well because if you were in my bed I'd be yanking the shit out of your hair when I was fucking you from behind. Little Blake doesn’t do that?”

  I didn’t respond.

  “Shit, I have a few things to teach that kid yet.”

  He walked out of the bathroom without another word and I scrubbed my skin hard trying to remove the memory of his thick cock, and how much I suddenly wanted it inside me.


  There was a brown leather suitcase by the door. I had seen my father carry it into the house a thousand times after his business trips. He would walk in and my mother would fling her arms around him and smile. She wore an apron then, and baked, and drove my little sister to her sports.

  She didn’t wear an apron anymore. She didn’t bake. She hardly looked at my father. Something was desperately wrong with my perfect upper middle class life. When I was home at Thanksgiving I could feel the tension. Maybe that’s why I didn’t come straight here. Maybe I thought I could hide at Blake’s forever. Getting lost in his arms, ignoring the dangers of the world around me.

  I dropped my bags at the door next to the lonely suitcase. It was telling me something, I knew it. But I didn’t know how devastating the news was about to be.

  “Mom why is Dad’s suitcase by the door? Is he going somewhere? I mean, I just got home,” I asked as I rounded the corner into the kitchen. My mom was sitting at the table holding a handkerchief. She had tears in her dark green eyes when she looked at me. I stopped dead in my tracks.

  “Honey, you should sit down.”

  “Why? Mom, what’s going on?”

  My dad came from behind the counter. “Because there’s something we need to tell you.”

  My eyes darted back and forth between them. I could feel the sinking brick in my stomach.

  My dad called for my little sister, “Mackenzie, can you come down here please?”

  “In a minute!” She shouted back.

  “Now, Kenz,” my dad’s voice sounded stern. Had someone died?

  I heard her sigh, “Fine.”

  She stomped down the stairs and looked annoyed until she saw me. “Lena! Why didn’t they tell me you were home? I missed you!”

  She wrapped her delicate arms around me in a hug. She was so thin yet fiercely strong. Ten years of cheerleading and running would do that to you.

  I quickly whispered in her ear, “What the hell is going on? I leave you guys for three weeks and suddenly Mom is crying and Dad’s yelling at you? Things seemed pretty normal at Thanksgiving.”

  She pulled away slowly, “Stuff’s been weird around here.”

  I looked over my shoulder at my dad, still standing stoically in the kitchen. His arms were crossed over his broad chest and he narrowed his eyes at me. “You two should have a seat.”

  I nodded and took Mackenzie's hand as I pulled her to the kitchen table. I knew whatever was coming was going to be horrific, and I felt the need to protect my little sister.

  “What's this all about? And Mom, why are you crying?”

  Dad came to stand behind my mom, but he didn't put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her. Her slightly teary eyes had now become sobs shaking out of her body like secrets escaping her perfect form. She didn't speak, just cried with her head in her hands, unable to make eye contact with my sister or myself.

  Instead my father said in a quiet gravelly voice, “Girls, your mother and I have decided to go our separate ways. This has nothing to do with either of you, and we won't love you any less just because we aren't together anymore, but this is what's best for our family.”

  He said it with no emotion. Like a Public Service Announcement or something.

  I felt my sister's hand slip out of mine and I turned to watch her mouth open as she gasped for air. I felt like it was too hot in the kitchen, as if my skin was on fire.

  I pushed back my chair and shook my head, we had been such a happy family such a short time ago. What had changed so suddenly? Why was my family falling apart?

  “What happened? Things were fine at Thanksgiving!”

  I kicked my chair back from under me and stood up, giving my father a condemning glare. Somehow I knew that this was his fault, but he didn't respond to my accusation. Instead my mother did.

  “Things weren’t fine at Thanksgiving! Things haven’t been fine in months. Your father and I… Your father and I just don't love each other anymore.” She tried to slow her breathing as her sobs overtook her words but I knew when I heard her last sentence that I had been right to believe my father was to blame. “Your father doesn't love me anymore,” was what she meant.

  My body was shaking with anger. How could he do this to us? How could he split up our perfectly happy family?

  “Kenz go upstairs.” She didn’t move. It was like her body was frozen in time. I wasn't even sure if she was breathing. “Mackenzie, I said go upstairs, now.”

  My forceful tone got her moving. She nodded as she moved gracefully away from the table. She looked only down at the floor; it was like she was a skeleton of my former vibrant, beautiful, younger sister.

  I shook my head at them, like I was going to have to parent these two insolent young children. “Why the hell did you have to break the news to us like this? And what did you do?” I said turning on my father. “Why does Mom think you don’t love her anymore?”

  My father turned away from me, refusing to react to my assault.

  “What the fuck is her name? Mom deserves to know, and I deserve to know!”

  His head popped up at the curse word, but he still didn’t respond.

  I waited, my chest rising and falling with the pain of anger coursing through my veins. Everything was so hot: my breath, my skin, there was even a heat spreading in my belly. He turned away from us and leaned on the kitchen island. For a moment I wished my father was dead. Before anyone could stop me I lunged at his back and wrapped my arm around his throat. My mother stood up and quickly pulled me off of him but I kept clawing my way back to him, screaming. “How could you do this? Who is she? Why? Why us?”

  My mother wrapped her arms around me and we slowly sunk down to the floor. She held me as I sobbed against her chest. I had lost something so precious and I didn't even know why. My whole life was falling apart.

  My father began to leave the room but he turned around to look at me just once and said, “Charity. Her name is Charity.”

  “Get out,” my mother growled. “And don’t you dare come back.”

  But it wasn't my father who didn't come
back, it was us. My mother packed us up and moved to Florida only a week later. We bought a townhome and lived near the beach. It was everything she had ever wanted. After some time had passed, I realized that it probably wasn't just my father’s fault that they gotten divorced. For a long time it was easier to blame him then the wonderful woman that had been my rock my whole life. But deep down I knew she hadn't been happy in a long time. It had been one of the reasons that I had chosen a college so far from home. I didn't want to come home very often, even though I should have for Kenz. But she had her friends and I knew she'd be okay without me. I had Blake to consider as well, but he would come visit me at school sometimes. He loved getting away from our little New England town and visiting me in the big city. But it was never really his scene. When we left my father in Fayette, I left Blake too. And his brother Slade. I let them both go with the heart ache and pain of the divorce, but maybe I also did that to protect my own heart.

  There was a secret between the three of us. A secret no one knew but me.


  June, 2014

  As I picked up the dark blue jeans lying on the white carpet, I was accosted by a crop top hitting me right in the face.

  “Hey, can you watch where you’re throwing your crap?”

  Mackenzie was kneeling on the floor in front of an open suitcase and tearing through it like a wild animal eating its prey. I had no idea what she was looking for, but she seemed determined to find it. She turned her head for only a moment, her beautiful long blonde straight hair flowing behind her like silk as she twisted her head back and forth and frantically searched the suitcase.

  “I can’t find it anywhere!” She threw her hands up to the sky in frustration.

  I began walking towards her collecting items as I passed them. Another shirt on her bed, a skirt lying on the floor, a sweater stuck on a lampshade… God my sister was a mess.

  “And what is it that you’re looking for?”

  She sat back on her heels and looked up at me, her beautiful dark brown eyes reflecting her exasperation. “I need that freaking dress for the rehearsal dinner. Mom made me promise I would wear it because Charity sent it. But I have no freaking idea where it is!”